Different Contracts in Business Law: Debunking the Types!

Business Law

Clearwater Business Law consists of various liabilities associated with a company’s operations. The expertise of some fundamental business law can benefit business owners while commencing a venture, recruiting employees, and branching it out or shutting its doors. It implies the set of figures, case laws, and regulations handling different transactions among companies, individuals, partnerships, and other types of businesses to obtain economic benefit. 

Contracts are vital in business law as they set up legal duties, safeguard parties’ rights, dissuade misinterpretations, define terms, and provide alternatives if covenants are infringed. Several contracts are available in business law, and each is executed with different legal importance. 

From express covenants with clearly defined terms to implied contracts assumed from conduct, types of contracts encourage covering business transactions, adherence, nurturing trust, and reliability in the commercial landscape. Below are the top 4 types of contracts in business law.

Void Contract

This contract is made based on validity. It doesn’t have a legal status from the commencement and misses one or more vital elements, or its intention is unlawful. Such a contract is null & void, implying it is unenforceable and has no legal consequence; to be precise, it never existed in the first place. The best example of such a contract is when two people create an agreement to execute a bank robbery. As the subject matter is unlawful, the contract is invalid. 

Executed Contract

They are established based on performance between the parties. Once the covenant has been duly signed, both allies support the legal duties mentioned in the contract. When the parties have signed the hard copy of the agreement, its execution date is defined. Hence, it’s crucial to differentiate between the practical and execution date when the covenant within the contract comes into play. 

Business Law

For example, you sign a lease covenant on a new property in your hometown. The moment you obtain the contract, it’s said to be executed as you consider occupying the unit, and everyone conforms to the agreement terms. 

Unilateral Contract

This contract is established on an obligation for only one party that promises in place of a particular act by the other party. As soon as the other party finishes the requisite act, the party offering the agreement will honor it. For example, if you put a “reward” poster for your lost pet, it is known as a unilateral contract. You need to pay a $100 reward for returning your lost pet; otherwise, no one is liable to search for your lost pet.  

Express Contracts

They are made based on the mode of creation. It’s the consequence of communication between two parties during which they consult the course of commitments and covenants. Such type of contractual agreement must not be formal and shouldn’t be in writing. It mainly requires the parties to define their wills in the agreement clearly. 

For example, the deal is created orally and partly through writing, implying some of it is written and some spoken. Both parties may interact through an email exchange, which shows the formation of the contract. The terms of a communication are included in the contract, as are the elements of correspondence. The recommendation and the cost of the services may have been covered in the email conversation.


Above are the top 4 types of contracts, made through validity, obligations, performance, and the mode of formation. Such diverse types of contracts in business law serve as the cornerstone of protected commercial communications from transparently defined elements in express agreements to the nuanced essences of another. Comprehending these distinctions is vital for businesses to steer the legal landscape confidently, ensuring adherence and transparency.